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What is A Learning Commons?

This project has been created with the following in mind:

1) Self-determination is something all humans are inherently capable of and should be interested in.

2) Empire, as a form of social organization, seeks to undermine peoples’ self-determination by expanding its own domain of control.

3) Education—the word, concept, practice and institutions—was originally created as a primary means for Empire to incorporate otherwise self-determined humans.

4) Education destroys, assimilates, or invisibilizes learning commons (i.e. places, spaces and forms of learning autonomous from the enclosures of empire) as a necessary part of its existence.

5) Therefore, all humans should resist and seek the destruction of education, while expanding learning commons.

This site has just launched as of June 6th, 2013. Most content currently resides in the Library. Yet various other sections have been started and will continue to grow with your contributions. For now, the sections include: Gardens ; Arcade ; Political Demos ; and Locations

In lieu of an About section, please read the Library, in conjunction with the above five points, as a beginning definition of this website.

Please contact with any questions or relevant information.